Trials, test, and pilots

CEI embraces innovation, drawing on what we know works and then systematically experimenting to build the evidence base.

CEI is committed to accelerating the use of the best evidence to inform interventions and policies. As part of this work, we help teams design innovative approaches that are rooted in the best evidence we have. These trials, tests, and pilots explicitly look to build the research evidence for innovations. We work together with partners to drive greater understanding of what works, for whom, why, and under what conditions.

In practice, this means our team co-develops or advises on the design of interventions, and then we collaborate with partners to evaluate how they work in context. This might also mean adapting a pre-existing program to the local context and testing and tailoring different implementation strategies.

CEI recognises that integrating continuous quality improvement cycles into implementation of innovations can support better results in trials and allow us to accelerate insights, so we work to build these approaches into our ongoing support of trials and pilots.