Rapid review of evidence on student behaviour interventions for Telethon Kids Institute

Multi Ethnic Group Of Students Joking And Getting To Know Each Other Better On Lunch Break in University Yard

To better support New South Wales schools in promoting positive student behaviour, the NSW Department of Education is working with the Telethon Kids Institute to develop a package of Good Practice Guidelines and Implementation Support for schools.

To ensure these guidelines are based on strong evidence, Telethon Kids Institute commissioned CEI to produce a rapid evidence review on the effectiveness of behaviour interventions in primary and secondary schools. A rapid evidence review is a rigorous and transparent assessment of what is already known about a policy or practice issue. It draws on systematic review methods to search and critically appraise existing research. CEI's expertise in systematically analysing existing evidence and translating findings into user-friendly formats was therefore key to this project.

Findings from the rapid evidence review informed the design on the Good Practice Guidelines, thereby increasing the likelihood that schools can foster and promote positive student behaviour.